Your Donations Make The Difference!
Day-to-Day needs are critical. Our neighbors rely on our dependability for food, clothing and basic supplies. Without these items, Neighbor2Neighbor cannot function. Please donate all or a portion of the needs listed below and we will be forever grateful.
No Needs Currently Listed
More Needs
More Needs
We Need
As many as possible
Ongoing supply need
Travel sizes of toothpaste, deodorant, hand lotion. Hairbrush and combs, razors (Amazon has 144 for approx. $30), washcloths, M/W underwear, chapstick
We Need
Food supplies - hot meals
Hot meal food supplies needed. Coffee, creamer, hot dogs and buns, canned vegetables, processed meats
We Need
Serve up to 400 per week
Styrofoam/Paper Goods/Supplies
Styrofoam plates, bowls, 8 oz coffee cups. Lunch bags (size 6 or 8), Napkins, paper towels are always in demand. We serve up to 80 per day.
We Need
Continental breakfast supplies
We have ongoing daily need for cold cereal, milk (use 2 gallons per day), creamer, sugar, pastries for continental breakfast,.
Neighbor2Neighbor appreciates all financial assistance. All donations go directly into supporting the services to the neighbors we serve. Whether it is a one-time donation or a recurring one, we are deeply grateful to you and your shared passion for those who are in short supply of blessings.

Financial Donations are made using

You can also download the mobile giving app,, to give to N2N!
Set up an account, search for "Neighbor2Neighbor" and start donating today.

A Premium GuideStar member
Invest In Us
There are so many who need our help. So we have big ambitions!
For every person we are able to help, there are 10 more that we can't. Our challenge is mostly a question of scale and capacity. It is a gradual approach to getting to our destination, but we are looking for investors who can help us get there!
We want to:
Expand the number of support service referrals (drug treatment, housing, job training by 300%)
Double our volume in providing clothing and hygiene into a daily operation instead of just 4 hours weekly.
Add full-time kitchen staff to support expanded meal services.
Move to a single-purpose building in the area solely for N2N operations.
Want to know more? Please reach out to us!
Contact John Sullivan at