2024 continued to be a challenging year for N2N and our neighbors. After a devastating fire at our previous location in July 2023, we have been blessed to have a new partner in St. Paul's Presbyterian church who has opened their kitchen and space to us and our guests. However, our new location is not as critically located as before. We are not as near a bus stop for our guests as we would like to be and the neighborhood we are in does not house the guests we serve. After years of seeing steady increases in the number of guests we served at our old location, we are now seeing some decreases as a result.​
Undaunted, we continue to look for a place to call our own and to build a ministry that aims to affirm our neighbors and help them get to a more fruitful life. We appreciate all who have stayed with us and continue to support us through these difficult times for we know we will come out of this better than before.
We provide weekday continental breakfast, sack and hot lunches to the homeless and near homeless
We provide clothing and hygiene products
We provide a safe place to relax and be out of the elements
We offer drug treatment referrals to those trapped by addiction
We provide a welcoming environment where relationships and trust can be developed

We offer both hot and cold meals to our neighbors in need.
We serve Breakfast, Hot Lunches and Sack Lunches.
N2N has a hired kitchen staff and a full-service kitchen dedicated exclusively for our neighbors.
We serve a continental breakfast as well as sack and hot lunches for each day of the week.
Neighbors are able to enjoy not just a tasty meal, but also trust they are in a safe place to relax.
We serve continental breakfast consisting of hot or cold cereal, toast, coffee and pastries. Breakfast is served 9-10:30, M-F.
We serve hot lunches for neighbors in a sit-down restaurant style environment.
We also provide sack lunches for neighbors who wish to take their meals with them.
Overall, N2N serves an average of 80 guests per day.
Check out our Meal Statistics

Video Library
Other Resources
What Our Neighbors Say
Watch N2N in the news!

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday (9:00am - 12:00pm)
- Continental Breakfast: 9:00am -10:30am
- Hot lunch: 11:00 - 11:45am

"Through n2n, I met Greg Parr – Greg told me about a drug treatment program called COPS (Counselors Out Preventing Substance Abuse) which I entered … I am now 4+ years clean and sober after a life of addiction starting at 12 – I am now 52." - Bruce
WE find the help our neighbors need. Whether it is for housing, drug or alcohol support, mental health or any other need that requires the help of a knowledgable professional. We coordinate with the right organizations for our neighbors.
N2N builds relationships with all of our visitors to determine causes of homelessness.
For example, if a neighbor has a substance use disorder, N2N has both professional expertise and street experience to work with him/her by building a trusting relationship while sharing the hope of recovery.
After a series of discussions and interviews, there are various next step options for them laid out and mutually decided upon to help them overcome their challenges.
For example:
a) Medical Detoxification 3 - 5 days.
b) Drug Treatment Centers.
c) Recovery Housing Referrals.
d) Triage( Trauma Unit ) placement.
e) Local Battered woman's shelter placement
- if drugs & domestic violence is prevalent.
Our case manager qualifies her contacts by including "Drug of Choice" (DOC)​
Regardless of the path chosen, N2N stays in touch with all alumni to let them know they matter, hopefully avoid relapses and to celebrate successes.
Often, we present monthly sobriety coins at N2N or during church service. (All sobriety celebrations receive a standing ovation )
N2N cares deeply about each neighbor we come in contact with and work diligently and thoughtfully on how best to address the obstacles that keep them from living a fulfilling life.

Check out our Service Statistics
Success Stories
Other Resources
Referred for Treatment

Hours of Operation:
Case Manager Hours:
9:00am - Noon (M - W - F)
June 2022:
Year To Date:
What Our Neighbors Say
"Over time, through MWMBC & n2n, I stopped using drugs and got clean and sober. MWMBC Pastor Willie Thornton and Greg Parr, Executive Director of n2n never gave up on me."
- Rick T.
WE provide critical basics for our neighbors. We supply clothing and hygiene products.
N2N provides thousands of articles of clothing and hygiene product in each year to our neighbors in need.
Our clothing closet is seasonal. In winter, we provide coats (as available), socks, shoes, hats and scarves.
We occasionally have sleeping bags and blankets for distribution. We have lost a few of our guests for frostbite. We try to do all we can to avoid that from happening.
A much-appreciated service is our distribution of hygiene products.
We have such as shampoo, body lotion, toothpaste, razors, deodorant, which we give out once a week.
These items are so easily taken for granted by most of us, but mean a lot to those on the street.

Check out our Service Statistics
Video Library
Other Resources
What Our Neighbors Say
Watch N2N in the News!

Hours of Operation:
Clothes closet: Wednesday, 10-12:30
Friday, 10-12:30
Hygiene products: Wednesday, 10-12:30
"(N2N) took me in, took me to church, helped me out tremendously and found me a place to stay and sent me to the crisis center where I detoxed. Now I couldn't imagine a life that has to do with me going back to drugs" - Dakota
We partner with other organizations to bring a broad range of health, welfare and personal care services
Various churches, groups and individuals provide support on an ongoing basis.
Check out N2N News for a list of supporters.
MWMBC is a foundational element to our success that also includes a steady supply of volunteers.
Neighbor2Neighbor is profoundly grateful for this amazing ministry.